3 Positive Thinking Techniques to Unlock Weight Loss Success

You’ve made strides in establishing your nutrition goals and finding the motivation to increase physical activity. But there’s another crucial component of successful weight loss that often gets overlooked: your mindset.

How you think about and perceive your journey towards better health can make all the difference in achieving your goals, especially when faced with challenges. Research consistently shows that maintaining an optimistic mindset and positive self-esteem are key factors in propelling you toward success when the going gets tough.

So, how can you harness the power of positive thinking to maximize your results? Let’s explore three essential positive thinking techniques that will help you cultivate a supportive and empowering mindset.

Avoid Restrictive Thinking

man making a smoothie

How many times have you heard you need to “cut out” certain things from your life to be healthy? Or maybe you often feel deprived of things you enjoy because you’re trying to shed pounds.

While these approaches may sound like exercises in self-discipline, they can inadvertently produce the opposite effect you desire. Research suggests that overly restrictive behaviors can impact the brain’s reward systems, increasing cravings and overeating.

Instead of fixating on what you’re eliminating from your diet or routine, shift your focus to what you can add in.

For instance, rather than searching for sugary foods to cut out, concentrate on incorporating a serving of fruits or vegetables into your meals. By doing so, you’ll not only nourish your body with energy-boosting vitamins, minerals and fiber, but also develop a more positive and proactive approach to your nutrition.

Another powerful technique is practicing gratitude. For example, rather than approaching your workouts with a sense of obligation, reframe your mindset to one of appreciation.

You can do this by picking activities you generally enjoy, and then expressing gratitude for your ability to move your body in ways that feel good. This shift in perspective can make your weight loss journey feel less of a punishment and more rewarding.

Additionally, recognizing and honoring your cravings can have a significant impact on cultivating a healthier mindset—the feeling of being unable to have something often magnifies the desire for it.

Rather than completely depriving yourself, permit yourself to enjoy some of the food you crave while reminding yourself that you can always have more later if you choose. Adopting an approach where no food is off-limits makes you less likely to be tempted to overeat due to the fear of missing out on the opportunity to have that particular food again.

Banish Negative Self Talk

New mindset new results on note pad

For many people (especially women), engaging in negative body talk has become an ingrained behavior. It has even become a norm in social interactions, where self-deprecating comparisons are exchanged as a bonding mechanism.

But negative self-talk extends beyond our physical appearance. We often criticize ourselves when we perceive we’ve fallen short of our self-imposed ideals. For instance, many people have experienced feeling like a failure after stepping on the scale and not seeing desired results.

The trouble is, in each of these scenarios, what we say to ourselves shapes how we think and feel about ourselves. Negative self-talk can lead to broader negative emotions like depression and hopelessness, acting as a substantial barrier between where you are now and where you want to be.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to overcome these patterns.

The first step is to catch yourself in the act of negative self-talk. Just as you wouldn’t tolerate someone speaking negatively about a loved one, it’s crucial to intervene when you start putting yourself down. Take a deep breath and say the word “stop” aloud to interrupt the cycle of negativity.

Next, replace those negative thoughts with positive thinking and affirmations tailored to your needs. Crafting your own affirmations is key, but here are a few examples to get you started:

  • “I am grateful for my body and all that it does for me. I deserve love and respect, regardless of my size or weight.”
  • “I am making healthy choices to nourish and care for my body. I trust in the process of my health journey and celebrate every small victory along the way.”
  • “I can achieve my health goals. I have the strength, determination and discipline to create a healthier lifestyle that supports my overall well-being.”
  • “I do not need to be perfect to be successful. I am doing my best, and mistakes are part of my learning, growth and achievement.”

By consciously replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, you can reshape your mindset and build a foundation of self-compassion and encouragement.

Visualize Success

confident and happy woman

What does your life look like once you’ve achieved your health goals? What is the process you will use to get there? How does the “new you” navigate daily life? How do you feel about yourself, and how have your relationships benefited from reaching your goals?

Visualization is a powerful meditation technique that involves creating vivid mental images to answer these questions. By painting a detailed mental picture of your desired outcomes and the steps you will take to get there, you establish a long-term mindset that deeply connects you with your goals.

Visualization offers numerous benefits when it comes to weight loss, including:

  • Boosts motivation: When faced with challenges, visualizing the steps you will take to achieve success can be a powerful motivator to keep you on track with your goals.
  • Fosters sustainable changes: Visualization encourages you to focus on sustainable, long-term changes instead of falling into the trap of “all or nothing” thinking.
  • Aligns actions with benefits: By envisioning the positive impact of reaching your goals, you gain clarity on how your daily choices contribute to your overall well-being.

You can also use visualization techniques to imagine common roadblocks and challenges you may face. You should picture when these obstacles will arise, how they feel and how you will navigate them. This practice cultivates an optimistic mindset, boosting your confidence in your ability to overcome challenges and push forward toward your ultimate goals.

To incorporate visualization into your routine, follow these three steps:

  • Find a quiet moment where you can relax and focus without distractions.
  • Create a clear mental image of what life looks like when you achieve your goal. Watch yourself go through the steps required to achieve that goal. Engage all your senses and immerse yourself in the positive emotions associated with accomplishing your goals.
  • Practice this visualization regularly, allowing yourself to fully think through your process and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with your future success.

Embracing the Power of Positive Thinking

While nutrition and exercise play pivotal roles in weight loss, the importance of cultivating a positive mindset cannot be overstated. This is why the Nutrisystem weight loss plan includes resources to support you in making long-term, transformational changes to your health and happiness.

By embracing positive thinking techniques, such as avoiding restrictive thoughts, banishing negative self-talk and visualizing success, you can unlock your full potential and propel yourself toward achieving your goals.


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  • Avena NM, Murray S, Gold MS. Comparing the effects of food restriction and overeating on brain reward systems. Exp Gerontol. 2013;48(10):1062-1067. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2013.03.006
  • Duarte C, Stubbs J, Pinto-Gouveia J, et al. The Impact of Self-Criticism and Self-Reassurance on Weight-Related Affect and Well-Being in Participants of a Commercial Weight Management Programme. Obes Facts. 2017;10(2):65-75. doi:10.1159/000454834
  • Pham, L. B., & Taylor, S. E. (1999). From thought to action: Effects of process- versus outcome-based mental simulations on performance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25(2), 250–260. https://ift.tt/Kq1h3bx

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